Overclock a VGA Card or Graphics Card, according to its terms, is to make the clock on VGA Card or Graphics Card work beyond the specifications set by the manufacturer. Generally, overclock VGA Card or Graphics Card done by raising the clock from the core (chip VGA him) or by raising the clock of the memory used. The best combination is to raise the clock of the second component, either core or memory chips used.
On Graphics Card or VGA card who have major limitations in memory bandwidth, increasing the memory clock will give more significant improvement compared with the increase of the core clock of course. GeForce2 MX and hybrids VGA Card or Graphics Card is included in the species that have bottlenecks at the memory. In general, the memory overclock GeForce2 MX will provide more significant results compared to overclock the chip nVidianya own. Graphics Card or VGA Card other type, each having different properties, depending on the architecture used.
Mengoverclock mode
To overclock VGA Card or Graphics Card, the most common way is through a software / program that was designed for it, such as the ATI-Tool, RivaTuner, Rage3DTweak, and PowerStrip. Often the drivers that came with VGA Card or Graphics Card has the facilities to overclock. By exploiting this innate facility or program specifically designed for overclocking VGA Card or Graphics Card, you can increase the value of the core and memory clock until it reaches the maximum value that can still be received well by VGA Card or your Graphics Card. Of course, the improvement procedure is done slowly.
One thing you need to consider is the stability and appearance of the VGA Card or your Graphics Card. If stability has been disrupted and the resulting picture has begun to have an unwanted artifact, should clock from the core and derived from the memory. Imposition of an excessive amount can damage the clock VGA Card or Graphics Card permanently.
Overclock itself usually will cause the temperature of the Graphics Card or VGA Card become hotter than the condition when no overclock. This can reduce the life of the VGA Card or Graphics Card itself. To increase stability and get rid of excessive heat, fan or heatsink can be used in addition to the VGA Card or the respective graphics cards. Replacement of the old fan and heatsink with a more powerful and can also be large. Use of this heatsink and fan can also be applied to memory chips, VGA chips are not limited to it alone. Air circulation in the casing should also be noted, will help smooth air flow heat transfer occurs.
In addition to programs specifically designed for overclocking, overclocking can also be done through the BIOS. Overclock through the BIOS is usually done by replacing the BIOS of the VGA Card or the Graphics Card that is used by the BIOS from a third party which is designed with a higher clock. Overclock this way not too often conducted, since the BIOS from a third party that has the desired criteria such as adequate rarely available.
Overclocking can also be done through the BIOS on the mainboard (not all types of mainboard), especially those that have the choice of multiplier for the AGP bus to the Front Side Bus (FSB) which can be selected manually, generally 1:2 and 2:3. To mainboard that do not have a choice like this, the AGP bus will mengoverclock mengoverclock overall system. With a choice of 1:2 and 2:3, you can overclock your AGP bus, it's just as extreme.
As an illustration for the system with a FSB of 133MHz, a multiplier that is used by default is 1:2 so the bus AGP is 66MHz. When the multiplier be changed manually to 2:3 then the AGP bus will have a clock of 88.67 MHz. Depending on Graphics Card or VGA Card used, this configuration may be well received, although it could also be disrupted or even the stability of the system will not lit at all. One thing to remember is, a configuration like this can damage your Graphics Card or VGA Card permanently. The risks of a technique like this is a huge overclock, so you should not try it unless you really know that the Graphics Card or VGA Card you can accept AGP clock configuration like this.
Graphics Card or VGA Card stabilize overclock Results
One true friend of the higher clock is hot. To overcome it needed a good heat dissipation. This can be obtained by installing additional fans or heatsinks, or replace the old fan and heatsink with a better longer. Air circulation inside the casing must also be considered. Besides through the technique better heat dissipation as already mentioned, the stability also can be improved by lowering the AGP transfer mode used from 4x to a lower, especially for overclocking by increasing the clock of the AGP bus.
Stability is also sometimes influenced by the driver used and the features are enabled. There are good drivers used were the latest and features used are also standard features only. Luck also plays a role in this overclock. Luck is referred to here relate to the quality of the Graphics Card or VGA Card owned. Although VGA Graphic Card used is the same (eg both GeForce3), the upper limit of the clock that can be accepted by their respective or VGA Graphics Card is not the same, there may be a reach 250MHz for its core, but there are also only up to 240MHz only.
If you want to raise the performance of your Graphics Card or VGA Card cheaply, you could try overclocking. The important thing to remember is the risk of this overclock, do not until you have to buy a VGA or a new graphics card.
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